

Average Bust / Average Busted

Average bust is a bust shape that is perky and has an apple shape. Most bra styles are able to accommodate average breasts

Average Bust / Average Busted


Bed jacket

A cropped style of jacket worn as loungewear, usually with a free-flowing cut for comfort, traditionally worn in bed. Our luxury bed jackets feature a trapeze cut and front bow fastening for easy layering either at home or as outerwear styling, and the most indulgent of fabrics. Choose from deep red rayon/silk velvet and heart-dotted lace in the Rouge, black crepe de chine and star lace in the Jet, or pure silk charmeuse in the Alabaster.

Bias cut gown, chemise or slip

When silk, or any fabric, is cut on the “bias”, pattern pieces are placed diagonally on the fabric instead of parallel to the edge. This technique, though costly in terms of fabric usage, allows for a beautiful flowing drape on the body, and to follow individual curves for the perfect fit. Our silk gowns, slip dresses, camisoles and tap shorts are all crafted in bias cut silk charmeuse for a luxurious finish.


A garment created to support the bust, whether with or without underwires. Ours are made in luxury fabrics, from silk and lace to super-soft cotton lawn, with immaculate attention to detail and vintage inspired design.


A style of unwired bra, perfect for an adjustable, comfortable fit; usually made with triangle-shaped cups on a narrow band, with gentle shaping and support. 

Inspired by vintage bralette shapes, our Rebelle, Janus and Alabaster styles feature crossover strapping backs, echoing the Kestos style of the 1920’s, while still feeling fresh and modern.

Alternatively, Starlet is crafted in a more traditional triangle bralette shape, formed of beautifully sheer black lace edged in delicate ruffles, or try Lovesick for an indulgent option in silk and lace.



Padded Bra

A padded bra refers to any bra style that has a formed shape, even when it is not on the body. Padding thickness varies from a very thin pad of a t-shirt bra to the thick padding of a push-up bra. Even though the padding thickness may vary, these styles of bras are all considered padded bras. Padded bras are good for all bust types. The term padded may be used when describing: t-shirt, plunge and push-up bras.


Racer Back

Racer back bras have straps that form the shape of a "V" on the center of the back. This strap placement allows a wider range of arm movement because the straps are not laying against the shoulder blades. Chantelle offers a true racer back bra and many that can be converted to a racer back. Racer back bras are best for shallow, average and some full busts. Also called a T-back bra.

Rive Gauche Collection

ollection is named for the Southern bank of the Seine River in Paris. Rive Gauche is the most popular collection within Chantelle. The mix of smooth, seamless styles accented with soft floral lace is the perfect balance for everyday fashion. There are many bra styles within the collection, offering something for every bust type.



Satin is a fabric often made from polyester fibers or silk, specially woven to create a glossy finish. Satin is most commonly used in bras, panties and chic boutique pieces.

Seamless Cup Bra

Seamless cup bras have cups that are made of one single piece of fabric. The cups have no seams and offer shaping to provide a smooth look under most clothing types. Seamless bras are great for all bust types